Tribute to Fallen Hero: The Unknown Side of Chris Kantai
As the sun rises, the world reflects on the life of Chris Kantai, a star whose light shone brightly yet briefly. At 9 AM, mourners gather at Montezuma Funeral Home, marking the beginning of a farewell to the beloved musician. By 11 AM, they have journeyed to his family home in Oloolua, Ngong, where memories linger in the air alongside the haunting melodies of his hits, "Happy" and "Huu Ni Kantai Hajali G." Kantai's story is a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of fame. His widow recalls his premonition of death, a haunting foreshadowing of the day he left this world. Tragically, his mother was en route from the U.S. to see him when she received the news, highlighting the cruel unpredictability of life in the digital age, where social media often dictates the narrative. Born on Christmas Day in 1978, Kantai's passion for music ignited in the '90s when his brother introduced him to hip-hop. While he pursued a nursing career in the U.S., h...